Staff and Officers

If you need information about any of the following members, please email the church office at

The Reverend Doctor Ezra Chapola, Full-time Pastor

Aaron Richter, Administrative Assistant

Laura Compton, Music Director

Josh Compton, Accompanist

Lori Moeykens, Chairperson of the Deacons

Patrick O'Neill, Deacon

Kier Olsen DeVries, Deacon

Patrick O'Connor, Deacon

Sue Goulet, Deacon

Jennifer Wright, Cleaning Maintenance

Lori Moeykens, Moderator

Kathy Prevo, Clerk

Candy Hingston, Asst. Clerk

Greg Soho, Treasurer

David Townsend, Asst. Treasurer

Andy Tufts, Head Usher